Court Day- Grace in Practice ZG slept great. The music stopped at 10:30pm. Carla and I slept great too. Carla dressed ZG in a pink and white dress with a white head band. We all looked so nice dressed up together for court. The front desk called our room at 8am to let us know that the van had arrived. The family was all there. We learned that the biological father was, for all intents and purposes, detained at the hospital overnight to ensure he would be in court. The orphanage director has many great relationships in the community and the Doctor of the clinic was not an exception. He ensured the director that the “tricky man” would be ready for court. From inside the van poured out the biological mother and JAJA, a camera man, the orphanage director, and Patrick the driver. Carla very Gracefully handed ZG to her biological mother and we took some nice photos with ZG and her “family” and then some with all of us. These will be very i...